Sunday, February 20, 2011


яз справа, у верхньому блакитному полi —
зображення пiвшестернi, розгорнутої книги i реторти, у нижньому зеленому
синя квiтка льону. Автори проекту — В.Герасименко, В.Дзiвак i О.Кузьмич.

Проект гербу мiста 1857 р

У 1857р. Б.Кене розроблений проект нового герба мiста: у лазуровому полi
зображенi три з'єднаних срiбних вежi з вiдчиненими воротами. У вiльнiй
частинi — герб Волинської губернiї. Щит увiнчаний срiбною мiською
короною з трьома вежками та обрамований двома золотими колосками,
оповитими Олександрiвською стрiчкою. Затвердження не отримав.

Герб росiйського перiоду

Герб росiйського перiоду затверджений 22 сiчня 1796 р. У горiшнiй
частинi перетятого щита герб Новоград-Волинський; у долiшнiй — в
лазуровому полi троє ворiт в срiбних з'єднаних баштах на знак в'їзду до
Рiвного з трьох сторiн.

Герб 1642 року


Із геральдичних словників стає відомо, що у гербі Леліва — шестикутна
зірка золотого кольору, а під нею на блакитному полі золотий півмісяць
рогами догори. Леліва була характерною ознакою багатьох слов'янських
народів, складає герб Ілірії, а також багатьох польських, українських,
російських і білоруських родів. Вона також входила до герба князів
Острозьких. Із історії Рівного відомо, що в 1642 році воно належало
Замойським. Володарка міста, Катерина Замойська, походила з роду
Острозьких, була донькою Олександра і внучкою Костянтина (Василя)
Костянтиновича Острозьких. Тому природньо, що складова частина герба
Острозьких, а саме Леліва, стала символом на печатці Рівного.

Герб Срженява (роду Любомирських)

Любомирськi- могутнiй магнатський рiд герба Срженява, якi увiйшли в
iсторiю Подiлля i Брацлавщини XVIII столiття як володарi "Узбережжя
Днiстра". Герб Срженява — на червоному полi бiла рiчка, яка звивається
по викривленiй лiнiї з правого верхнього до нижнього лiвого кутка. Пiд
шоломом i короною, мiж двома трубами, на кожнiй з яких по чотири
дзвiночки, виходить лев.

Пам'ятки історії та культури.

Вул. Драгоманова, 17У цьому будинку неодноразово
зупинявся український письменник, історик, фольклорист і громадський
діяч М. П. Драгоманов. У вересні 1867 року тут зупинявся український
композитор М.В. Лисенко.

У 1896-1916 роках - зупинявся і працював археолог етнограф, один з
перших академіків України М. Ф. Біляшевський.Вул. Драгоманова, 19

У Рівненський гімназії (нині краєзнавчий музей) з 1866 по 1871 р.
навчався російський письменник В. Г. Короленко. В 1844-1845 рр. в
гімназії вчителював М. І. Костомаров.

Вул. Маяковського, 13В 1912 р. по вул. Олександрійській
(пізніше Сенкевича), а тепер Маяковського з'явилася нова двохповерхова
кам'яна споруда. В 1917 р. у цьому приміщенні діяла Рівненська Перша
вища початкова школа, де навчання велося українською мовою (вперше в
Рівному).Це нововведення пов'язано з діяльністю Центральної Ради —
першого українського парламенту. Діяла школа і в часи української
-----> Page:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Prescribing methadone is complex. Methadone should only be prescribed for patients with moderate to severe pain when their pain is not improved with other non-narcotic pain relievers. Pain relief from a dose of methadone lasts about 4 to 8 hours. However methadone stays in the body much longer—from 8 to 59 hours after it is taken. As a result, patients may feel the need for more pain relief before methadone is gone from the body. Methadone may build up in the body to a toxic level if it is taken too often, if the amount taken is too high, or if it is taken with certain other medicines or supplements.

To prevent serious complications from methadone, health care professionals who prescribe methadone should read and carefully follow the methadone (Dolophine) prescribing information.

FDA is issuing this public health advisory to alert patients and their caregivers and health care professionals to the following important safety information:

* Patients should take methadone exactly as prescribed. Taking more methadone than prescribed can cause breathing to slow or stop and can cause death. A patient who does not experience good pain relief with the prescribed dose of methadone, should talk to his or her doctor.
* Patients taking methadone should not start or stop taking other medicines or dietary supplements without talking to their health care provider. Taking other medicines or dietary supplements may cause less pain relief. They may also cause a toxic buildup of methadone in the body leading to dangerous changes in breathing or heart beat that may cause death.
* Health care professionals and patients should be aware of the signs of methadone overdose. Signs of methadone overdose include trouble breathing or shallow breathing; extreme tiredness or sleepiness; blurred vision; inability to think, talk or walk normally; and feeling faint, dizzy or confused. If these signs occur, patients should get medical attention right away.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Some sites have the same URL for both desktop and mobile content, but change their format according to User-agent. In other words, both mobile users and desktop users access the same URL (i.e. no redirects), but the content/format changes slightly according to the User-agent. In this case, the same URL will appear for both mobile search and desktop search, and desktop users can see a desktop version of the content while mobile users can see a mobile version of the content (2).
However, note that if you fail to configure your site correctly, your site could be considered to be cloaking, which can lead to your site disappearing from our search results. Cloaking refers to an attempt to boost search result rankings by serving different content to Googlebot than to regular users. This causes problems such as less relevant results (pages appear in search results even though their content is actually unrelated to what users see/want), so we take cloaking very seriously.
So what does "the page that the user sees" mean if you provide both versions with a URL? As I mentioned in the previous post, Google uses "Googlebot" for web search and "Googlebot-Mobile" for mobile search. To remain within our guidelines, you should serve the same content to Googlebot as a typical desktop user would see, and the same content to Googlebot-Mobile as you would to the browser on a typical mobile device. It's fine if the contents for Googlebot are different from those for Googlebot-Mobile.
One example of how you could be unintentionally detected as cloaking is if your site returns a message like "Please access from mobile phones" to desktop browsers, but then returns a full mobile version to both crawlers (so Googlebot receives the mobile version). In this case, the page which web search users see (e.g. "Please access from mobile phones") is different from the page which Googlebot crawls (e.g. "Welcome to my site"). Again, we detect cloaking because we want to serve users the same relevant content that Googlebot or Googlebot-Mobile crawled.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Alaska stop smoking pills четко отражает суть практически всего на свете. Именно поэтому для современных геймеров и поклонников кино все, что связано с брендом «Трон», выглядит совершенно потрясающе, захватывающе и, главное, инновационно. Правда, если кто-нибудь из них сделает лишнее телодвижение и заглянет хотя бы в «Википедию», то узнает, что «Трон: Наследие» является продолжением фильма, выпущенного в 1982-м году. Да, тогда еще не было 3D-камер, «Аватара» и прочих модных достижений техники. Зато на свет уже появились такие неподражаемые шедевры кинематографа в жанре фантастики, как, например, «Чужой» и «Звездные войны», которые и по сей день выглядят достойно. И ценятся в первую очередь за то, что режиссеру, операторам и вообще всей съемочной команде удалось достичь таких потрясающих результатов, располагая столь несовершенными техническими средствами. Оригинальный «Трон» к тому же совершил прорыв в области компьютерной графики и ее применения в кино.

Но что-то мы отвлеклись. Ведь цель данного материала — ознакомить вас, уважаемые читатели, с видеоигрой «Трон: Эволюция». Она, к слову, является чем-то вроде мостика между событиями первого и второго фильмов. Хотя, откровенно говоря, со своей задачей «Эволюция» справляется плохо: сюжет толком не раскрывает предысторию и не создает ни одной интриги. Абсолютно шаблонные «хорошие» и «плохие» ребята представляются нам в первые же минуты, а дальше происходит совершенно стандартная борьба бобра с ослом.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


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Cigarette word of French origin, it means "little cigar". Cigarettes owe their origin to the American Indians who first became tobacco wrapped in straw, cane and corn leaves. After appearing in Europe for almost 250 years the only means of tobacco smoking pipes and cigars were.

U.S. distribution of cigarettes promoted the emergence of some new varieties of "light" tobacco, such as "White Burley" and, of course, the invention of the first machine to manufacture cigarettes in late 1880. In the next decade significantly outperformed cigar cigarette volume sales. Soldiers, who often had no time to smoke a cigar or pipe, began to smoke cigarettes.

Around this time was founded the famous company Phillip Morris, which sells handmade Turkish cigarettes skrutky.

Cigarettes in SzA made mainly from waste products of other tobacco products, especially chewing tobacco popular in those days in the American West.

British company Phillip Morris opens office in New York, where he engaged in active marketing of cigarettes, including the famous brand is now Marlboro.

Reynolds to produce cigarette brand Camel.

In 20 of the last century a large role in the development of the tobacco industry was spreading habit of cigarette smoking among women.

To counter competitors, American Tobacco Company, manufacturer brand Lucky Strike, begins this way and advertise their cigarettes, and wins 38% of the market.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Bessarabian Bukovinsky-hike (June 28 - July 3, 1940) - Military operations conducted by the Red Army to forced transfer of Romania Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the USSR. Soviet party was planned as a full-scale military invasion of Romania, but a few hours before surgery, King Carol II of Romania took note of ultimate Soviet side also agreed to allocate Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina USSR.
Military operation area of occupation by Soviet troops lasted 6 days, resulting in the territory was seized Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina region of Hertz. Carrying out this operation, Soviet troops had been planned as a result of signing a secret agreement between the governments of the Soviet Union and the Third Reich, the so-called Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact and its implementation became possible only after the fall of France in the war with Germany became apparent when the Anglo-French illusory promises of Romania support its territorial integrity.
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Good article
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ZAZ-1103 Slavuta - front-passenger car in the class with a body type liftbek. After the cooperation of Zaporozhye Automobile Plant Daewoo Motors in 1998, the Korean side had the audit process, and it was recovered on developed back in 1995, five-door model with a body type liftbek. Manufacturing a new car began March 17, 1999.
Richard Kantilyon (1680-E - May 1734) - Irish economist, author of Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général (essays about the nature of trade at all), a book by British economist of the late XIX century. William Stanley Jevans considered "the beginning of Political Economy. Kantilyon succeeded largely because of ties among businessmen and politicians that he received for his family and one of the first employers, James Brydzhesa.

Operation "Neptune" or landing troops in Normandy - amphibious operation, which was held June 6, 1944 Allied QUIT SMOKING PILLS BUY ONLINE NOW troops (U.S., UK, Canada, etc.), the first part of the strategic operation "Overlord" during the Second World War in the north-western France . The operation began June 6, 1944 (Eng D-Day - Day "D") 156 000 soldiers landing on the coast of Normandy allies.

The selected picture Commons
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Computer Smaky 100, Museum of the Federal Polytechnic School, Lausanne, Switzerland

The selected list
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List of legionnaires "Dynamo" (Kyiv) - list all legionnaires Dynamo, who played for the club. Were longest in club matches and most former Soviet countries had representatives: Valentin Belkevich - 224 championship matches in the years 1996-2007 and Maxim Shatskih - 215 championship matches in the years 1998-2009. Moreover, it is the best striker Shatskikh-legionnaires in the championship for the club - 97 goals.
Most legionnaires Dynamo had Brazilian citizenship - 14, but only one of them (Diogo Rincón) could hold more than 100 matches in the championship. In addition, 25 legionnaires from different countries was part of the club, but did not and never came within the core team in the championship.
All players filed for citizenship, beginning with the player who has played the most matches for the club.
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February 3 History
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1815th Switzerland founded the world's first factory for the production of cheese
1830 - Greece declared an independent constitutional monarchy
1953 - published a book of French oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau, "World of Silence
1957 - the launch of "Sputnik-2, which dopravyv to space first living being terrestrial origin - a dog nicknamed Laika
1964 - first single «Beatles» («I Want To Hold Your Hand») became "golden" in the U.S.
1966 - Soviet nepilotovana space station "Luna-9" first made a soft landing on the Moon
1984th Long Beach (California) first child was born that she began using in vivo
1994 - Parliament of Ukraine ratified in full agreement on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START-1)

Vladimir Samoilenko
1809 - Felix Mendelssohn (Bartholdy), German composer.
1847 - Alexander Graham Bell, American scientist, inventor of the telephone
1854 - Sergei Korsakov, Russian psychiatrist
1864 - Vladimir Samoilenko, Ukrainian writer
1872 - Ivan Fomin, an architect, one of the founders of neo-classicism
1898 - Hugo Alvar Aalto, Finnish architect

Gutenberg Bible
1116 - Koloman And Hungarian king, married the daughter of Vladimir Monomakh.
1428 - Ashikaga Yoshimoto, 4 th Ashikaga shogun.
1468 - Johann Gutenberg, a German and a European pioneer.
1862 - Jean Baptiste Biot, French physicist and astronomer geodesist.
1924 - Thomas Woodrow Wilson, 28 th U.S. President (1913-1921).
1956 - Émile Borel, French mathematician.
2009 - Paul Zagrebelny, a Ukrainian writer.

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Industrial and Labor interestingness of the Donetsk region (up to wiki-week Donetsk).

Mine named after Dzerzhinsky - the oldest operating coal mine in Donetsk region, and Ukraine.
Pioneer industry in the Donbass coal deposits in the USSR was "intended" Grigory Kapustin, while the real names - Nikita Vepreyskoho and Semen Chirkova zamovchuvalys is still little known.

Because of numerous mines and businesses north-east suburb of Donetsk and 12 th in terms of population is the most polluted Makiyivka Ukrainian city.
Zabiinykiv Sergei Shemuk youngest Honoured Miner of Ukraine, Alexey Stakhanov exceeded a record 72 tons of coal.

Donbas miners have their own folklore, one of the main characters which is a mountain spirit Shubin.
Mining engineer Vladislav Rusanov borer is known in Russia as science fiction in the fantasy genre.

Wiki Week
Proposals • Calendar • Ed. • Project
The Ukrainian Wikipedia Monetary week started on the money of all time and countries, and Week ends Sumy region, aimed at writing a new and improved articles of Sumy. Hurry up to join the participants!

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